Wednesday 31 May 2006

Nando's, Nerina and Breaks Co-op, Sheffield - 29th May 06

I have been looking forward to for a while now to see Nerina Pallot again as this would be the 5th time.  I was hugely excited at Nerina charting at 13 day before, in what can only be described as the most nail biting chart countdown ever. 

There were so many bands I was rooting for apart from Nerina, including Story One and of course what did cause me to bite my nails Sandi Thom getting to No 2! 

Anyway its been a while since we had Nando's and being so close, well it just makes perfect sense (like I need an excuse).  Finished dinner and made our way to Memorial Hall.  It was a strange little venue which was in the shape of semi circle with the stage on the straight bit and there was a balcony too.  We had seats in 6th row but we were to the side of the stage so was not too impressed with the view.

First we had support band Breaks Co-op which I had been looking forward to seeing so much as I just love "The Otherside" which ended up being their 2nd last song.  I am not quite sure how to describe the genre of the music as it seem to touch many throughout the set.  Frontman Andy Lovegrove has quite a distinctive voice and was quite bluesy at times.  Seemed quite strange to see a DJ on stage for 2nd time in a weekend but luckily Zane Lowe knew what he was doing.  This band is different and definately worth checking out!

Well after hearing a lot of "Everybody's Gone to War" recently I imagined that we were in for quite a "rocky" set and was quite surprised to see a string quartet sitting down next to her on stage.  Nerina sat behind the Grand Piano and she opened her set with "If I know you" which is the first song from her first album "Dear Frustrated Superstar", this was followed by "Idaho".  I remember the hairs on the back of my neck standing on end at the sound of the cello in that song, it was really beautiful.

She played my favourite "Geek Love" and a fabulous cover of Kylie's "Confide in Me". 
Also at the venue in the Oval Hall was Alice Cooper and Nerina commented on how she can now boast sharing a venue with Mr Cooper.  She was quite keen to get the quiet songs out of the way so the noise from next door would not drown her out.  Funniest bit was later on when she said "For once in my life I can say up yours Mr Cooper, I am in the charts and you are not!"

The strings provided the performance with a whole new depth and really complimented Nerina's angelic voice.  Some real goosebumpy moments in there but a fabulous show indeed!

We waited for what seemed to be an eternity afterwards as Mark wanted his CD's signed by Nerina and I wanted to say hello after her and I had been exchanging messages on here.  When I asked her to sign my ticket and I mentioned that it was my 5th time at which point she looked up and said "I recognise you, you are Margi from myspace" - I leaned over and we shared a hug (what else of course).  Chatted about Paddy Casey, Dlugokecki and South Africa.  Got some nice pics to post soon.
A really cultured evening and I almost feel sophisticated...

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