Tuesday 30 May 2006

IPO Part 2 - Still Liverpool :o)

Ok about time I finish this as there are a few more gigs to report on :o)  Sorry its a bit of a biggie!

After Richard Snow finished his set at the Cavern on came a Swedish band called The Virtues.  This music was a bit more "rockier" but it was appropriate and I was loving it!  The Virtues made up of Per, Frederick and two other Swedish names I can't remember made some beautiful music and as was talking to them afterwards to see if we could catch them again the following day.  Turns out they were going to be in Accrington too.  Do you see a pattern emerging??? (Just for you Helen)

Next up were the Sparkle Jets UK and dispite the name were American.  The least said about this band the better and this is where I will stop as to not cause offence...
Another wonderful treat for me up next Steve Roberts and The Bank of England.  More wonderful rock music with Steve on Guitar, his brother Chris on Bass and Robbie on Violin (now you all know how much I love the violin!)  Steve is from Liverpool and chatting afterwards I was treated to many a "Babs" lol.  Oh yes and them boys can hug!!  I think Robbie was by far the best hug I had over the couple of days.  Sorry this should be about the music.  Well I only hug musicians whose music I love ;-P!  I really enjoyed the music, bought a CD and lost the CD - so will have to rectify that soon.  I really hope to see Steve and his band again real soon.

For the next act I was unable to sit still.  Frank Barajas played some groovy music with a distinct 70's pop twist.  Well ok so I had a few more pints at this point but I was really getting into this.  Wanted to call the fashion police though as Frank was dressed in a blue shirt with large white polka dots on it!  Not very fetching for this man's almost "gangster" look!  I had to buy his CD "The White Room Sessions" and been listening to it since.  Hoping that Frank will tour the UK so I can catch him again!

Much laughter and banter afterwards with Brett and John, Steve and his band and we managed to persuade Helen that she wanted to go to Accrington the following day (well it was on the way home?!)

We went for sub-standard kebab and got a taxi back to the hotel where we consumed said kebabs and chatted till about 3.30am. 
What a night! 

Next morning and more IPO and Accrington

Helen was awake at the crack of dawn and had to get me up so we can meet Richard and Heather for breakfast.  Who has breakfast before 9am???
Drove into town and after circling Liverpool a few times we managed to find parking (a total rip off mind) and then went to browse some shops and searching like mad for an internet cafe.  Anybody in Liverpool that wants to invest in business....Liverpool needs more than one internet cafe which is not 25 mins walk from The Cavern!
First stop was Lennons to check out a band but all there was inside was a band making noise and I hope it was not who I wanted to see.  Then decided to go back to the Cavern Pub to see Tim Reid again.  The place was packed and they all loved Tim, and of course we enjoyed it too.  (Helen did not send me any pics of Tim)
When Tim finished a few young boys came on stage for a band called Endbutt Lane.  This was lovely treat as these guys sang lighthearted pop with local themes and there was some very funny lyrics.  The banter between the band members was entertaining too.  Songs including "Pirates" and a song about a "Sausage Man".  Ones to see again sometime!

Now I am starting to sulk, as I realise that I don't wanna go home.  Nathan and Tim were laughing at me and asked Helen if she had to be anywhere.  We then said we promised to go to Accrington and maybe had time for a couple more acts.

Up next and I think what was my find of the couple of days was a band called The Stawls.  Lovely acoustic rock music with some piano-led songs.  I was drawn in from the very first song, right through to the end.  Also had to get a CD  and my fav song on the CD is a song called "High on Life" and I think its almost as if it was written for me :o)  Favourite performance of the afternoon was a song called "Fall".  Thanks guys :o)

Chatted to Rob afterwards and I don't know what the hell I am laughing at in this picture!

The next band Insanity Wave was our cue to get the hell out of there and on the road to Accrington!

Hmmmm well we found Accrington to find that there was not a great deal there and the place seemed deserted!  Got to the Attic ok and walked up several flights of stairs to see if there was any life.  Then thankfully saw Brett and John so we sat down.  Meant to go and get a bite but were not sure if there was anything open, so decided we would grab something on the way home.

First band on was called The Mop Tops and they were from Sweden, this was ok and a good start to the evening. 

Finally it was time to see Mr Lomas in action with his band The Nash and both Helen and I loved it!  They were seriously rocking on stage and the music made us happy.  John has a lovely voice and all the band seem to be in the groove.  I also think that Brett probably looks better that side of the stage as he was enjoying himself so much.  Actually the whole band was!

The Nash was the perfect hosts and got us drinks, fetched us sandwiches  and gave us CD's.  But the music alone was worth the trip to Accrington.  Hopefully we will all hook up again later this year...
More silly pictures...

After The Nash was a band called "What the...?" and that was my thoughts exactly!!!  Come back "Sparkle Jets UK" all is forgiven!

Next up was my second chance to see The Virtues and loved it again :o)

As Helen said in her blog, we are booking our holidays in Liverpool next year to take in this whole festival as it was just one good band after another and for any music fan this is a must.  But of course we don't have to wait that long for our next IPO as Philly is looking very tempting...watch this space....

On the way back from Accrington stopped at a Pizza place in Manchester as we were starving.  Well I got the best chat up line ever from the bloke behind the counter lol!  Imagine in the best broken English "In which you buy those beautiful eyes?"  Aww how sweet, well it put a smile on my face any way :o)

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