Tuesday 2 May 2006


Well I can't contain my excitement any longer and for those of  you who don't know yet....where the hell have you been??

In an  hour or so the Flowerpot and I will hit the road over the Pennines (again) where she and I will be the guests of Snow Patrol for their gig at the Manchester Ritz tonight.
I apologise in advance to anyone I might phone or text during this gig, as I probably would not be able to help it.

Luke, Neal, Andy, Alistair and Chris I will be thinking of ya...ha ha ;-)

No doubt be blogging with some pics when I get back as I have borrowed Martin's super duper camera to record this epic event (thanks mate :o))

Also got to blog about Story One's fab gig last night in Sheffield despite me not being my usual enthusiastic self...I guess sometimes your body just tells you "NO" and I think mine kind of gave up on me last night.  Sorry Mike, G, Tom and Barny for not sticking around but I was just glad I made it through the set without fainting (who would have carried me lol??)

Laters people...!

PS:  I am listening to Snow Patrol's fab new album "Eyes Open" despite Myspace not wanting me to add it here!

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