Tuesday 9 May 2006

The 45 Rebellion & Censored supporting Mohair @ The Factory, Ilkeston - 7 May 06

Gosh it seems non-stop and I think tonight makes it 66 gigs for this year so far.  So we are back on the road again in search of another new venue, in the loveliest Ilkeston and when we got there I could not believe I was in Ilkeston.  What a lovely venue and I think Helen is right it resembled a club more than  live music venue.

First face I saw was that of Matt from Censored who came over for his obligatory hugs and was grilling me about a certain Charity Gig in July - sooo many bands, one little night...
Well I was still high from previous night in Manchester and could not wait to tell Helen all about great night she missed.  Richard was commenting how I looked like one who had just had sex, with the grin on my face.  Well it had been an amazing week of great nights and who needs alcohol to have another enjoyable one, so off I went for a pint of Strongbow!

I know everyone is talking about the DJ but to be honest only thing I remember is him talking over the songs I like, you know like when you try and record something off the radio....they never shut up!
This was my first time seeing The 45 Rebellion even though I have been enjoying the downloaded tracks.  Got some hugs from Ben before the band started and he forgot my mixtape (I did his too so its ok) but Helen got hers (this mixtape thing has certainly taken off recently).

The band  went on stage and I was very impressed (when I closed my eyes lol), frontman Glenn was jumping around the place and really giving it some - it was funny actually but nothing more so then Helen's face everytime the antics were turned up.  Not detracting from the music though, I loved it!  Enjoyed the songs I knew including "Everest" and "Someday" and really liked the ones I did not know.  Be seeing loads more of these guys :o)

Next up came the Censored boys and I stood proud up front with my pint in my hand, waiting for insulting songs about non-classy ladies drinking pints.  I loved the set tonight as it included some songs that I have not heard live before.  I think the sound in this place was fab or maybe these boys are just getting better.  They opened set with "When You Come Along" followed by old favourites "Johnny Boy" and "All you got to do is ask".  Must say I think I have a new favourite as I thoroughly enjoyed "Your Eyes are made of Gold". 

Next up were unfamiliar band Mohair and the first thing that struck you was the frontman could have been Kate's twin - hair everywhere!  Apparently this band was signed by The Red Hot Chilli Peppers' label in US.  The music was loud as everyone else pointed out, but it was right up my street and I loved the set.  Can't remember any of the song's names but trust me it was good 

Night can be best remembered for all things sticky including Mark's lap after Richard drummed a pint of lemonade onto him.  Shame on  you Richard lol!  Was good to see Richard drinking pints instead of the usual girly measures.  Another explanation for the vigorous drumming perhaps....

Great night my friends thanks Helen, Kate, Richard and Mark 

I have deleted my stolen blog but I still think Helen's is best and there are some great pics too!

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