Friday 19 May 2006

Sandi Thom and Sons of Jim @ Bar Academy Islington - 18 May 06

Not much in the mood for this, we set off about 4.30pm making our way down the motorway.  I dozed off almost instantly and woke up in Buckinghamshire briefly and then again at the end of the M1.
Not really sure where I was going but spotting on the map that the venue was just off the A1 and that Islington was north I figured we could find it as opposed to usual tube route.  Found venue, car parking and amazing Chinese Buffet restaurant opposite Academy and we were sat at table 13 of course!

We were told that first support were on at 8.15 but the guy at the door did not know who they were and then Sandi Thom was on at 9.15.  So Mark had time to go back to car to fetch his camera.

I am now standing outside Bar Academy when none other than Nathan of Snow Patrol walks by with his girlfriend.  Had to say hello and it was cool!  Then I was greeted by a very sweet Marcus, guitarist for Sandi Thom, and of course more hugs.
Mark got back and we went in and I then got the nicest surprise ever and screamed out loud "Oh My God, Its Sons of Jim - I love these guys!".  I think I missed the first song.  But luckily was there for "Burning Sun" which is a fab tune.  I kept thinking how gutted Helen would be for choosing The Henry Road instead as she loved these guys too first time round.

Jamie and David finished their set and after a short while came out of dressing room.  I walked over and Jamie recognised me from the Bic Runga gig (I suspect they dont get grabbed and hugged everyday) and then came David.  We spoke for a while about music and gigs, etc.  But then left them to it as they were getting mobbed by girls (whom I kept encouraging to hug them instead of shaking hands).

Sandi Thom finally came on stage to her second sell out gig in a row to a very loud and appreciative crowd.  Sang some great songs including "No more Heroes", "Little Remedy" and my favourite "Castles", sang a song from the Tooting Basement gig too.  She then went to do a song using keyboards but we had some technical difficulty so decided that she would do "Punk Rocker" instead.
This song will always make the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end and always makes me think of my friend Flowerpot!  Many a drunken night this song has inspired some serious band singing.  I also thought about Andy and how I know the song makes him cry.

This gig was being recorded and during the gig they were sending random bluetooth clips to mobile phones as memories of the gig.  What a wonderful idea :o) pity my phone is poorly!!

The band left the stage and after screams for more, came and did the encore which started with a cover of the No 1 Gnarls Barkley song - "Crazy".  Well WOW does not do it justice, much better than original.  Afterwards she told us how she felt quite bad as "I wish I was a Punk Rocker" had just knocked that song off the "I-tunes" No 1 (so it was kind of a tribute).

Sandi finished the set with a song called "Time" and she said that the words is her live condensed in 3.5 minutes.  Cracking lyrics indeed and really got me thinking, well about time and where it goes...

Had loads more laughs and banter with Jamie and David and some new found friends afterwards whilst waiting to say hi to Sandi.  It was nice to see her again, shared some hugs and wished her all the best.

Just thought about the irony of it all.....2 acts that played 10 Bands 10 Hours for me in January have their debut single coming out on Monday.  Well who would have thought that was gonna happen in January? 

Please go and buy these singles:
Story One - Out of Season
Sandi Thom - I wish I was a Punk Rocker

On the way back we spotted just about every live music venue in Islington - Helen I know where they all are now :D.  Thanks for a brilliant night Mark and for pesuading me to go to London.

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