Friday 5 May 2006

Almost Newsum Turn and The Upper Room @ Kings College London - 4 May 06

Tonight is proof that good intentions are sometimes just that and even careful planning does not always help. 

Left Nottingham @ 15.30 with plenty of time to get to London and we decided to park in North London and get the tube to Kings College which is near Victoria Embankment.
Got tube to Temple station and then started walking around looking for the venue, considering it was supposed to be 2 mins away we walked for what seemed miles and nobody seemed to be able to give us proper directions.  Eventually a newsagent drew us a map and we managed to find the main College bit and they pointed us in the right direction.

Got to the Venue at 8.35pm and after a brief visits to the bathroom and the bar, I saw Luke only to find out that we had just missed Newsum Turn.  I was gutted as after all I came all this way to see them. 

Luke and Neal both told me of the wonderful response they had from the crowd tonight and I am really happy for them, just wished I could have witnessed it! 
I went to dressing room to see the rest of lads for a chat about my eventful night with Snow Patrol and some other matters and we then made our way upstairs to see The Upper Room.

I have not listened to much of their stuff before and it took till the 3rd song of the set before I really got into it.  I very much likened the frontman's voice to that of Morrissey and all the songs were very pleasing to the ear.  Particularly liked the previous single "All Over This Town" a very catchy tune that builds up to this massive finale.  I also liked a song called "Girl" and the new single out on Monday called "Black and White" seemed to have everyone singing.

After the music finished we had some more banter in the lobby and took some more silly pictures before we embarked on our journey home.  Did not arrive home till about 3.30am.

I still really enjoyed myself tonight even though I did not get to see Newsum Turn, gonna have to remedy that soon indeed!

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