Monday 1 May 2006

The Boy Least Likely To, BC Camplight & We Show Up on Radar @ Academy Manchester - 30 Apr 06

Tonight was the last installment of 3 for us seeing these 3 bands and Mark, Kate, Helen and myself set off on this road trip over the Pennines, straight to our favourite hospital car park and directly to the venue!

I think tonight Kate was the one dreading it as she was only interested in We Show Up on Radar lol.  They finally came on stage and I have not seen Helen laugh as much for a while.  The silly "true stories" about "Animal Sports Day", being a bee or a bubble  and the entertaining little sounds that Andy and Pete make is something to be seen live.  CD just does not do the whole performance justice.

BC Camplight then took to the stage for what would be the 7th time I see them over the 2 tours and I think that Brian was a little sozzled at this point already as he had bottle of whiskey on the piano and was drinking away during the set.  They opened with a very explosive "Hide Run Away" sang all the favourites and again I so loved "Wouldn't Mind the Sunshine".  I want to take the feeling that song gives me and bottle it so I can keep it with me forever. 

Brian dedicated "Blood and Peanut Butter" to a couple that were not in the venue lol and then after a couple of songs made a dedication for me.  He said that "a loyal fan from over here has asked us to play a song we don't know, so Margi this one is for you..."  and they played "Couldn't you Tell" and to be honest it was second versve before I realised that it was not the song I had asked for :o), I had begged for "Oranges in Winter" this tour but as lazy David was not there they had no one to do the guitar bits so will have to wait till they come back or I go to Philidelphia!

BCC was on fire tonight and it was the best performance we had since I have seen them.  They really enjoyed it.  After BCC Kate confessed that she was not near drunk enough for this music and managed to get 2 pints in before The Boy Least Likely To came on stage.
Ok and what Joff was on tonight I would very much like to know as he seemed especially hyper during "I see Spiders when I close my Eyes".  He wanted to sit down for a ballad after that lol!  Best version of "Monsters" ever ever ever tonight, oh bugger all the songs were fab.  Joff forgot some of the lyrics to "The Battle of the Boy Least Likely To" which made this serious sad song funny as he was improvising and smiling silly all the way through.  Pete also made no bones about pointing out the mistake!

Really got dancing for "I am glad I hitched my Apple Wagon to your Star" and finishing night off with "Be Gentle With Me" was wild, exhausting and oh so beautiful and it left me kind of sad that this was over for now!

This was the best performance of all the bands tonight that I have ever seen.  Not sure if it has to do with the Venue or last night of the tour, but they were all having fun and it was awesome to see this first hand.

Afterwards Brian promised to do me "Oranges in Winter" acoustically but we got kicked out of venue before this could happen!  Also never got to say goodbye - so here goes...Brian, Bret, Ramon and Stephanie sending you all loads of love and hope to catch you real soon...and again thanks for the beautiful music.  Love ya guys :o)
Outside spent ages waiting for BCC to come out so we can say goodbye but ended up talking to Andy and Pete from We Show Up on Radar.  Andy was...erm...well...a little intoxicated to put it mildly.  But I managed to get a picture of that T-shirt for Tom of Story One.

Despite an emotional rollercoaster of a week of many gigs, much laughter, occasional drunkenness, disgusting self-pity and stupid vanity....I now sit here and think how lucky I actually am.  I have amazing friends, I am friendly with some really super cool bands and I have the best tonic in the whole wide world "AWESOME LIVE MUSIC".  Does anybody really need anymore than this?

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