Saturday 27 May 2006

Part 1 - I've had the time of my life - IPO Festival, Liverpool - 25/26 May 06

Don't you just love it when things you don't expect much from in life, creeps up on you and take you totally by surprise??  Well that is pretty much how I can describe my couple of days in Liverpool.

We set off in the afternoon via Stoke and at this point I was a little bit hyper already, this only being because I love Liverpool so much, I had no idea what was waiting for me there and its only on the way I discovered Helen's printed list of artists appearing at the IPO Festival.

Helen had booked us into same hotel as the Hattersley's.  They were in room 24 and we were in room 27.  I remember how funny it was when Helen mentioned they were 3 Doors Down (do we all remember Brad Arnold blogs?)

We got to hotel booked a taxi and had 10 minutes to get ready before taxi arrived.  Enough time for a smidgen of war paint and a change of clothes.  Taxi dropped us nearby and as we walked down Matthew street we bumped into Richard and Heather.  We had one drink in the Cavern pub before going across the road to Cavern Club.

Helen had been playing me John Hoskinson on the way to Liverpool and we went to see him in favour of Richard's first set (but I know he understands).  Besides once I walked down those hundreds of steps, was no way I was leaving till it was time to go home!

John Hoskinson was lovely indeed and sat down talking to us for a while after his sound check.  I took his camera to take pictures of him.  He opened up the evening and he was even better than what I heard on the way there.  I loved all the songs and was engrossed for entire set.  Specially loved "Its like Cigarettes" and two songs from the end John broke a guitar string and I was so impressed with his professionalism as he carried on playing without blinking an eye.  Last song was best as its a super love song but also easy to remember and makes you wanna sing along.  "I Hope I die before you do".  John set a high standard for rest of the acts and sat down next to us to enjoy it all.

Next guy really got Helen going as he reminded her of Neil Finn (she is so obsessive!). Tim Reid and Nathan on percussion and backing vocals was a lovely surprise and I remember thinking how can the night get better than this and we still had Richard to look forward to.  Can sing along to "Any Given Day" forever...

Serious eye candy up next in the shape of PaulMcDowell and The Peppermint Pigs and remember telling everyone that I want to have his babies.  Well I had about 5 pints of Strongbow at this point.  Music was awesome too.  You had Paul on guitar and a guy on Cello and drums.  Nice pop-tastic songs and that had my foot tapping as I was totally loving it and I thought the cello was a lovely touch.

Had to go and speak to this man afterwards and then bumped into Ant and met Lou also said hi to rest of the Inlaws and wives.  This was the moment where I realised its a small musical world when I bumped into Brett Lomas, who was the tour manager for BC Camplight.  He was telling me that his band had played the day before and they were in Accrington the following day.  I was now in hug overdrive...

Finally the moment we waited for and Richard and the Inlaws were on stage, the same stage where The Beatles once played.  I can safely say its been the best I have seen these guys.  They were loved by the crowd  and I of course enjoyed the usual favs like "Silent Girlfriend", "Girls on the Tube" and "Lonesome Cowboy" and have to say that even "Expectations" is growing on me. Great performance and we are only halfway through the evening!!!
 Ok this is taking longer than anticipated so bear with me and this is to be continued....

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