Saturday 4 March 2006

Almost Tom Wardle @ Derby Uni - I HATE DERBY!!!

Well last night started off quite exciting having decided on impromtu gig so found out where Tom Wardle was playing.  Mark suggested we go for some SA food in Derby and then to the Uni where Tom was playing.

Simple enough?!  So one would think - PAH!

Was very chuffed with myself that I managed to navigate and find a parking spot right outside Barracuda (without getting lost!).  Well when we left there it took some doing getting out of the shopping areas but we finally managed after about 15 minutes to find the way to the A38 to get to the University.

We ended up down this dark little country lane for miles, as before that was last signs we saw for university.  It was now 9.15pm. I told Mark to call it a day and take me home as by the time we actually find this place and then look for the Students Uni Bar the set will be over.   So back up the road we went and low and behold what was situated on the left in the dark.....?  Sods bloody law!!!

I urge the Derby City Council to please invest in some decent street signs and for heaven's sake - what a shitty system!!! Inner Ring Road, Outer Ring Road, One-way systems, pedestrianised areas - obviously not meant for drivers!
Sorry Tom, I am gutted for missing ya mate and will definately have to remedy that soon!

Ok I don't hate Derby - I HATE DRIVING IN DERBY! 

OMG just a thought what if I actually get that job on Wednesday lol!?

PS:  I can't believe it, Helen actually has me reading my blog and checking for errors before posting - what have you done to me woman?

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