Sunday 5 March 2006

Bits and Bobs and Betchadupa - 4 March 06

Feeling great today after more than 12 hours sleep and anyone who knows me will confirm that is 3 times the usual amount I get.  I am now tucking into the 4 leftover lovely Krispy Kreme donuts we aquired via Tesco in Watford yesterday.  Actually I feel a bit sick now!!

I sooo wanted to go to Selhurst Park yesterday but realised that it was not even in London and we would have been hard pressed to get back to Kings Cross for 7.30pm.  So here we are sitting in the car park tucking into donuts when I realised that Rob Hulse has just scored as 2nd for Leeds and also that Watford were losing to Derby.  Was quite ironic really but I guess you had to be there.

Helen missed the photo opportunity with that Key Lime Pie Donut, I was laughing so much that I almost choked.  What was it she said "I will lick mine out first, that way I can't mess it all over me".  Richard this was almost material for your "promo" film lol!
The drive into London was pretty pain free, as of course serious "deja vu" was setting in at this point as we had been down this road so many times these last couple of weeks.  Found parking and Hendon without any trouble.  Got on tube and opted for shopping around Camden.  Loved the little market stalls and Helen described me as a kid in a toyshop.  Of course at this point final results have come in and things could not get any better. 

Went for a spot of dinner at some Italian place near Water Rats and spotted the Betchadupa boys outside, only later on we realised they ate in there and we did not see them till they were leaving.

At Water Rats came another wonderful band discovery called Air Traffic.  Some great indie rock music where the front man tickles those ivories to sensational effect.  It is so great to see some of the more classical instruments being used in rock music.  We were mesmerised from beginning to end, even though I felt really old as they looked all of 12!  

To  my dismay I found that its another band from "down south".  How am I ever going to fit in all these bands??

Betchadupa of course did not disappoint and this being my second time I enjoyed it even more than the first.  They started their set with "Design" which is really awesome live and gets you dancing from the off.  This was followed by two new songs and then Helens fav "Army of Birds and Gulls" which is growing on me I  must say.  Another smashing performance of new single "Who is coming through the Window" which is sort of my second fav behind "Diversions" - which I am yet to see them do live.

Not sure how to describe Betchadupa's music but would say Loud Indie Rock music.  I love it when Liam and Joe scream into the mic, Matt bashes those drums and Chris plucks away effortlessly.  The chemistry between these guys is something to be seen on stage.

Was great to see Scarer and meet friends (sorry names escape me) and of course Andy (super duper hugger).  There was this strange Chinese boy that followed me around, and kept pointing at his heart, kissing me on the cheek and hugging the life out of me.  Not quite sure why he kept saying "Imagine - John Lennon" - it was very funny, but I guess you had to be there.

There seems to be a pattern emerging with us not staying / watching headline act - apologies to The Bit I Am. 

Night was rounded off beautifully with Helen getting to chat to Liam and getting her NZ CD signed as well as a playlist and then we took some pictures.  By the time we got to last band member, you would never have believed that Helen is alledgedly shy!

On way home I am sure the people on the tube thought we were mad for taking pics of ourselves.  But compared to what I witnessed today, we are relatively normal - I think!
Richard Snow - this is "Girls on the Tube"

Another amazing adventure in this journey called life - now I am getting deep :o)  Thank you again Helen.

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