Monday 20 March 2006


Well today was a good day to begin with.  Did not feel so sick after my last chemo session and also I was a bit excited as Helen and I had decided to go to London tomorrow night to see the amazing Brinkman again.

Leaving work driving home listening to The Boy Least Likely To, thought I would stop at the local Co-op get some dinner in and go home and spend evening watching footy and on here promoting Wednesday's gig.

Got to the counter to pay for my goods and realised that some tosser had cut my bag from my shoulder, stealing practically everything I own.  Anyone that has seen my handbag can vouch for this.  I have lost my passport, my phone, my bank cards, about £180, my tablets not to mention my bloody make up!!!  Thankfully my car keys were in my pocket else I would have had a little dilemma there too!

To make things worse they neglected to turn on the bloody CCTV cameras in the shop, so there is no evidence at all.

Why do people do this??  And if its true what goes round comes round, then what the hell have I done, this is 3rd time this year!!!

Sorry I just had to get that off my chest.

Anyone that needs to ring me can do so on - 07791968802

PS:  Donations greatfully accepted :-P

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