Wednesday 8 March 2006

The WonderStuff supported by Amsterdam & Doolittle @ Rescue Rooms - 7 Mar 06

A little knackered all day after very little sleep night before and really was not in the mood to be totally honest.  If I had not splashed out £15 for a ticket, I would have been snuggled up in my bed at home.

Was a great night of loud music, good old rock at times and some fun and games until the Wonderstuff came on stage.   How miserable can one man be? No "Size of a cow" or "Dizzy"!!  Helen has done a great blog read that instead (she is the fan :o))

For me the most memorable thing of the evening would be the fact that all the front men of the 3 bands were older than me!  Was worth it for that alone!
Not knowing what to expect either, but I did enjoy it.  Especially Doolittle and Amsterdam.

Now I am going to curl up and die as I seem to have contracted something from the Wonderstuff alledgedly.

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