Thursday 23 March 2006

Richard Snow & The Inlaws, Tom Wardle Band & The Crooks @ Vic Inn Derby 22 Mar 06

This night started a bit shakey and after rushing like mad to get to the Venue and being late, the nerves truly set in when I got there.  There was  not a band in site and no soundman.  I then think to myself, "Why the hell do I do this??".

Anyway shortly afterwards Richard Snow arrived and after the mere mention of cake, treated us to a fab version of Dlugokecki's cake song.  Well he sang when he was able to stop laughing.  It was a glorious moment indeed and I managed to get it on video.

Sadly did not get to see much of Richard's acousticish gig with Justin (who normally plays drums) on bass.  But from where I was sitting at the door it sounded pretty impressive.  I remember finding it really hard to sit still during Lonesome Cowboy and anybody that came through the door during that time would have seen me throw a few shapes! 

Helen then swapped with me for Tom Wardle Band (thanks mate) and I went to watch my first gig of Tom with full band.  Must say loved the full band sound and especially think it suited Midnight Man.  Also loved the Love 2 and finishing off with Ode to Ace in good old rock n roll style was really awesome. 

Next came the turn of The Crooks, who were the unknown entity to me.  Fine I had heard their demo songs and they were highly recommended as a live act.  Boy were we all in for a treat!!!  Not familiar with many of the songs, but one that stood out for me was Golden.  I really liked that one. 

We ended up eating Helen's lovely cake and chatting to two other bands that turned up on the night The Four Last Things and Newsum Turn.  Thanks lads it was good to meet you all.

Thanks to all my mates who made an effort to come and also all the fans.  Watch this space for more of the same....

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