Tuesday 14 March 2006

Brinkman @ Fibbers York - 13 Mar 06

Well another roadtrip with my pal Helen only this time I am driving.  Took us hour to get out of Nottingham but once we were on the road it was pretty painless.

Finding York was no problem, but trying to navigate around the place was funny but eventually we found a parking spot and then walked (for what seems miles) to find the venue.

Being on the guestlist was ace - thanks Neil, Paul and Tom. 

Arrived to what can only be describe as a "teeny bob" party and this made me realise how much I prefer over 18's venues.  God how old did I feel?

Brinkman's Paul spotted us and came for a quick chat during first band, which can only be described  as noise.  No time at all and they were on stage and doing their thing.
Was a bit put out by 3 "children" hogging the stage and obstructing our photo opportunities but eh I suppose everybody needs to see. 

Musically Brinkman are fast becoming a favourite of mine as I took so much away from this and it was very much worth the trip to York.  Oh what else do I say - just go and look and listen for yourself.

We spoke to Neil, Tom and Giles for a short while after and then left again before the final band finished.  Night will be remembered for first time a band gave me a potato....yes a potato, well it had a smiley face on it!!

Think I should plant it and grow lots of JJ's :o) but I cant....

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