Tuesday 28 March 2006

Party, Skegness & Protocol @ Leadmill - 27 Mar 06

Sadly had to leave Anton's (Rescue Rooms) brilliant party on Saturday night a tad early as I felt like death warmed up (apologies to Kate for being a party pooper). I got to hear some fab bands though and will definitely check out Saint Joan and The Recovery at a gig soon. Gutted all round that we missed We Show up on Radar but we will make it up to you Andy. Thanks Anton for having us.
After sleeping all of Sunday found myself wide awake at 3 in the morning talking to Sam on myspace. Decided we would meet for coffee and I somehow found my way to Skegness for sunrise and breakfast. Yes a little crazy I know, but why not? Its not like I have work this week or anything - not that work would stop me!!
Great sunrise pic :o)
Went to Doncaster to meet Mark before making our way to Sheffield to see Protocol. I have not seen these guys since November last year when it actually kicked off this whole myspace thing for me and gave me the idea for my charity gig. I had given the guys grief that night for not playing "Headaches and Heartbreaks" and Stevan and Dom in particular were very apologetic and told me to come to Cambridge following night....well that did not happen unfortunately. Got some great pics that night even though I looked like a rabbit caught in headlights (actually must remedy that with a decent pic sometime). I also remember having a lengthy discussion with David (keyboards) the boy from Dundee and he was ever so nice.

Anyway back to last night the Leadmill was not particularly full but there seemed to be mostly Protocol fans there and it was just a nice atmosphere. We sat in the bar and we could see the guys signing stuff for fans in the distance. I thought I would go and say hi at some point but then they all disappeared.
We made our way to listen to one band and promptly went and sat down again this band Situatinists was not my cup of tea, or perhaps I was not in the mood for them.
Stood outside the door and spotted David. He came over big smile and hugged me and called me by my name, which in my book is a very sweet considering its been 3 months and these boys must be mobbed with crazy fans at every gig. I was chuffed that he remembered me and that was just the start of lovely evening. Then as boys were about to go on Dom was at the drums and also said hello "Gosh you are awfully cute" is something he will have heard a few times before - but I could not help myself.
Music started and I was in heaven opening the set with a powerful version of "Hot under the Collar" and think the objective was most surely achieved there. Next one I recognised is an old fav "Beautiful Girlfriend" and found myself singing along, dispite it being a while. Next up was "Deborah" which was the B-side for "Where's the Pleasure" which then followed and that really got everybody singing. This explosive song is such a winner and the way John deepens his voice for the line "...so where's the pleasure with you.." is so very sexy.
Night was rounded off perfectly when I finally got to hear "Headaches and Heartbreaks" again. That is such a sweet song and it should be in every set list from now on...."Do you hear that Protocol???" The set ended with "She waits for me" which was Protocol's first single and a winner with the crowd everytime and finished things off beaitufully....BUT...

Gripes again lads, firstly you don't sing "Love is a drug", no set is ever ever ever complete without that amazing intoxicating beautifully rhythmic anthem and then you tell me Leeds is cancelled. Why do you do this to me??? Now I have to go to Bristol - are you coming Helen?
Ok I really did have a fab time...thanks Mark!

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