Wednesday 22 March 2006

Story One and Newsum Turn @ Coventry Coliseum 18 Mar 06

This night can be best remembered for a few odd things:

*  The weird drunk bloke that I nearly smacked for spoiling my viewing plesure by shouting out "topshop" or "tuckshop" and annoying frontman Tom.  You wont believe how close it was and I am not a fighter!!!
*  The strange venue that did not open its doors till nearly 10pm, had us observing the soundcheck with no security in place, had no draught beer to begin with and it was bitterly cold in there.

But when the music finally began, I was dazzled from the start with the great sound coming from unknown band (well unknown to me) Newsum Turn.  I was captivated from the start and my leg still hurts from me tapping it.  I really wish I was paying more attention so I can tell you what wonderful music I witnessed tonight, but I just remember loving it....will have to go and see them again so I can report back and perhaps a few more times then, just to be sure of course!

Main act (in my eyes anyway) got onstage then and the room quickly filled up.  Most people stopped and watch Tom, Mike, Barny and G do their thing.  All was well except for this irritating little so and so that really appeared to be getting on Tom's nerves.  Mike was beaming from ear to ear enjoying the antics from the back.
I know I am sounding like a broken record and anyone that does not know how much I rate this band, just read over the last 10 blogs of Story One gigs and you might get some idea

Roll on Nottingham on 30th March - will be 8th time this year!

PS:  Oh yes left after 2nd Crosbi song as it was all a bit of an anti-climax.

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