Friday 31 March 2006

Story One and Only @ The Social Nottingham 30 Mar 06

Yesterday was a great day as I for one did not wake up with a hangover - "Shock, Horror, Faint and Amazement!"  Well anyone that saw me at the Cosmic Rough Riders gig will vouch for the fact that I was completely out of my tree!!!

Had a quiet day doing absolutely nothing and getting very excited about another musically brilliant night coming later.  It had been 12 days since Coventry and annoying "Topshop" man and it was about time I had my fix of Story One.

Finally left home after numerous attempts to wake the Flowerpot who had been drinking since breakfast. Got into town and met with the rest of the gang.  Had a drink in The Pit and Pendulum before doors opened and then went straight upstairs.
I must confess despite liking some of the opening acts I was chatting to different people throughout and did not pay a great deal of attention.  (How bad am I??)  One thing that did get my attention was Felix doing a cover of "Disposable"....but I dont want to talk about that!!!

We made our way to the front of course for the boys and crowd, sound, set and performance was one of the best I have seen.  There was even  a few people singing along and this made me smile.  I could go through the setlist and bombard you with words like WOW and Awesome, but these blogs are starting to get boring now.

Will say this though, last night was the 13th time I saw Story One play and it was the first time I saw them being asked for and playing an Encore.  Ooh 13 lucky for some.....well it is lucky for me actually.

It was most surreal to be mobbed afterwards with the Hull Massive amongst others, Myspace does have a lot to answer for.  Great seeing Tom again too who was converted in January (I also believe he has some nice pics - perhaps he will oblige).  Some more Birthday wishes to James - nice to meet him too.  

It looks like I managed to talk them into coming to Sheffield on the 1st May, well they have to, so they can get their copies of the new single "Out of Season" signed by the boys, because after that date, they are not going to want to talk to us mere fans anymore :-P

I think that covers it and I will get my fix in 2 weeks time in Southampton.  Thanks to all friends who shared this magnificent evening - glad you all loved it!

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