Friday 24 March 2006

Censored @ Hard Rock Cafe Nott'm - 23 Mar 06

Yesterday was officially my last day at the Driving Standards Agency - Woo hoo!!!   (Well I went in this morning too) So my dear boss insisted on buying me a drink first.  Well its not often that a Scotsman buys a drink, so I thought why the hell not?!  Hmmm but doctor warned against effects of alcohol and chemo and I should have heeded the caution as Strongbow took full revenge on me!

5 pints later Helen, her mate Helen and I made our way to Hard Rock Cafe to see the fabulous Censored.  We were a little tipsy  to say the least, but I was still feeling ok at this point.  Hard Rock Cafe was absolutely mobbed and we arrived just in time to hear first act on who was Will Jeffreys.  Liked the bluesy sounds he was making and thought it was a lovely opening act for Censored.

Censored came on to rapturous applause and they did not disappoint.  First time of hearing the full band sound and loved the way my favs "Johnny Boy" and "All you got to do is ask" sounded.  I really find it hard to believe these boys are doing their A-Levels!  I liked the songs that I had not heard before very much too and will be at many more a Censored gig.

Thanks for good wishes and hugs Matt and it was very good to finally meet Chris and Nathan too.

Least said about "The Heroes of Switzerland" the better, but we have decided its not ironic at all - there just aren't any!!!

Was great to see old friends again, Helen, Richard, Mark, Nigel, Mike, Gareth and new friend Helen. 

Pics to follow soon!!!

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