Tuesday 7 March 2006

BC Camplight and Julie Collings @ The Vic Inn - Mon 6 Mar 06

God I love last minute stuff and tonight's impromptu gig has proven to be most enjoyable.  Originally had plans to go and see Staind, but as I needed to see a man about a gig, I opted for the Vic Inninstead.  Knew the headlining band as I only saw them a week ago supporting The Boy Least Likely To.

First artist on was a lady called Julie Collings, whose dulcet tones immediately grabbed my attention.  If I had to compare her voice to someone famous would say possibly a bit of Sarah McLachlan / Sheryl Crow.  She has a beautiful voice indeed, teamed with really well written songs that makes you think and boy can she play that guitar!!  Julie was like a breath of fresh air and really set a high standard for the rest of the night.

Did not see much of the 2nd band The Avenues as we were talking to Brian, Bret, Ramon and Dave of BC Camplight, so really in no position to comment, but they seemed quite popular with the crowd.

BC Camplight can best be described as a quirky piano-led indie quartet whose songs have upbeat tempos combined with engaging melodies.  A thoroughly pleasurable experience and one that will guarantee to put a smile on your face.  Must say I enjoyed these guys more 2nd time of seeing them than the first, not sure if that is due to familiarity or not.  Loved "Hide Run Away" and " Blood and Peanut Butter" again but can safely say the song that blew me away was the fabulous rendition of "Wouldn't Mind The Sunshine" This song should definitely be a single!!

Not sure what Helen did to piss Ramon off as halfway through he chucked some water at her, well luckily he missed her, else we might have had a fight on our hands now that Helen is not shy anymore :o)  Ramon was very apologetic and we enjoyed some more great banter after with the guys and the messages in our CDs had us all in stitches.  Think I should quote them all.......ok perhaps not.

BC Camplight have only got a couple of dates left in the UK before returning to the States, unfortunately they are all "down south".  Don't miss the opportunity of a sensational evening's live music and go along and see them, you wont be disappointed.
Thanks to Rick for having me in fits of laughter for much of the night, Helen for your company once again (people are gonna think we are joined at the hip) and Brian, Ramon, Dave and Bret YOU GUYS ARE SUPER COOL!

We'll meet again......

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