Wednesday 22 March 2006

Story One @ The Charlotte, Leicester - 14 Mar 06

I have had this date in my diary for quite some time with it being almost local, but with recent hospital stuff and feeling permanently shite, I was not sure till the eleventh hour that I would actually go

Flowerpot and I hit the road in search of The Charlotte, another new venue for me and we found it relatively easy.  Place was fairly empty and no signs of the Story One boys.
First support act that came on were called Fazes and started off a bit noisy but got progressively better as their set continued.  We were quite into the music by the end of the set.  Some nice rock music to get the night going.

Second band were local boys Digital Garden and they were definitely an improvement.  We could not help thinking how the band sounded so much older than their "12 year old" lead singer.  Their sound was good and it was very enjoyable.  I hope to catch these guys again soon.

Story One had since arrived and it was obvious they did not expect to see me there, but it had been 22 days since my last time and I needed my fix.  And of course they did not disappoint.  Some of the people in the Charlotte were not very nice to the boys but at least there were a few fans including Carl who sent me these smashing pics of the guys in action.

Story One sang all the favourites including a new song called "Air raid" (I think) looking forward to hearing that song a few more times

I am really getting quite excited about the album now and cant wait for 1st May to buy my own copy of "Out of Season".  That is a really awesome song for a first single and the more I listen to it, the more I love it!

Idea was to go to Wolverhampton Little Civic the following night, but unfortunately I ended up having one of the worst days and could not face it.  If I turn down Story One, you know I am very ill!!!

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