Thursday 30 March 2006

Cosmic Rough Riders @ The Vic Derby 29 Mar 06

They say its a well known fact that one should not blog when drunk, well fuck it I say we are doing it now!!

Flowerpot is here with me and dispite being drunk she high on life just like me.  Oh my God to live in this house one has to believe it to feel it lol!

I took her out for her birthday but she did not have a tube of glue where I was taking her but she was very willing - such a tarty cow!  Moo Mooo Mooo

Ok so after a bottle of wine and a  few pints of Strongbow in the classy Bentink Hotel (where all the beautiful people go) and missing 3 trains we finally managed to get on one to take us to Derby.

At the Vic Inn waiting was a Helen, Julia, Ant and Richard - all very sober or is it just us very drunk.  We drank some more and met some people including Mickey whom she is texting as we speak.  After she snogged the face off him when we left, but less said about that the better.

Ok back to the purpose of this blog, ahhh the Cosmic Rough Riders who dispite my handing out and distributing tons of their leaflets, did not have a bloody clue who the hell I was.  Much to my dismay as you can imagine. 

Anyway I was not impressed with the sound in The Vic tonight, was not enough vocals, found it very hard to hear Stephen sing.  I was up front with Richard behind me (I am sure he was checking to see if I was ok) I enjoyed the songs but to be honest most of the night is a blur....

I do remember after much stick for them to sing happy birthday to the flowerpot and me requesting "Justify the Rain", they finally sang it (well it was only after I said it was the only one I liked).  Not lying exactly but eh lets not go there.  Still did not sing happy birthday, well not properly anyway, so I had to give a glorious rendition in the pub afterwards.  Richard of course backed out as he was supposed to sing it!!!

Well at least the Cosmic boys Stephen, Mark and James (and the bald one - I don't remember his name) were very obliging - well only after I fetched them - to come and take some piccies with all of us. I almost dread to see what those are like and I am sure Helen will take no pleasure in showing me up.

Night did not entirely go as planned, although Flowerpot says she enjoyed herself.  We are now necking some Rose and I am probably more pissed than in the Vic but what do I care.  I don't have work in the morning.

Ok if  you want a good night out join us for Story One tomorrow night in the Social on Pelham Street - you will love them.  Not as much as I do, but they are fucking awesome!!! 

Goodnight Vienna :D

PS:  I still have sand in my shoes.....

Other people's views from the same night:
Helen - there is also some very embarrassing pictures on there  - Shame on you Richard!!!
Richard - a true fan
Ant - short and sweet

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