Sunday 30 April 2006

Newsum Turn supporting Your Vegas and other unimportant bands @ The Loft, Cambridge - 29 Apr 06

Tonight's gig was touch and go for a while as I have not been feeling the best today, but I knew that if I stayed at home I would feel better later and then kick myself for not going.  Mark offering to drive helped too as I am not sure that I would have been able.

Down the A1 we went to Cambridge to a venue neither of us had been before, but I was kind of excited already at this point in time.  Did not take us long to find the place and parking was not too bad either.

The Loft is quite a quirky little venue with church pews to sit on and the lowest long stage I have ever seen, with a pillar in the middle of the stage.  Anyway no sign of any bands as we arrived and my worst fears were that I had missed Newsum Turn.

First couple of bands did not float my boat at all especially not the 2nd one, who had a frontman I wanted to smack several times.  He was that full of himself but I am not gonna rant about that now....

It was now time for Newsum Turn and Mark and I made our way to the front to absorb the entire atmosphere.  They opened the set with "Broken" and that is a really catchy song with shades of Snow Patrol the more I hear it.  They sang a few more I recognised from their Myspace player a beautiful song called "Take a Bow" which Luke dedicated to a couple that really ought to have got themselves a room as they were snogging the faces off each other all the way through the set.  Then of course they had to sing "Beautiful Mile" which is one of the songs I like most.  The band excecuted every single song to perfection and I was transported into Newsum world for entire set.

Got to mention though the new song and what I think should definately be the first single "See you there".  This is a beautiful song that works on many levels and I loved the way the song starts off slowly and builds up in to this huge anthem.  I had goosebumps from beginning to end.

Newsum Turn are in my opinion destined for great things as these 5 lads are musically so professional and certainly seem to be most passionate about what they do.

Luke, Neal, Andy, Alistair and Chris thank for brilliant night's music!

They were followed by band called Your Vegas whom I also enjoyed, I remember thinking they were somebody else, until about the 3rd song.  To begin with I was disappointed but Your Vegas' sound was very pleasant to the ears.  I don't remember names of any songs but I thought that one or two reminded me of some of the "rockier" coldplay stuff.  One to see again.

We had some nice banter outside with the Newsum Turn boys and nearly got a whole load of Van pictures but luckily we decided to pose in front of the venue instead. 

Loving this pic....the kind of look on Mark's face that he is thinking "I don't want to be near any of this!" lol

In this one I am not sure what Andy is looking?  Neal looks like a rabbit caught in headlights.  Luke is posing and Alistair looks like he has a guilty secret. Also it looks like Chris is about to lift his leg over Andy's shoulder!

Check them out, you know you want to....

PS:  Almost forgot to mention the freakily drunk Tom Wardle look alike, we just just had to take a pic!

My sense of humour - apparently!

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Saturday 29 April 2006

We Show Up on Radar supporting Freezepop @ Social - 28 Apr 06

 Well what can I say about tonight.....met Kate in the Social and we had a couple of drinks before We Show Up on Radar came on stage.

Well I must confess to only  listening to snippets before and knowing Kate's peculiar taste in music, I was kind of dreading what she might have talked me into.
I had missed these guys twice before, once at Anton's party and the 2nd time in Leeds last Sunday when they were supporting The Boy Least Likely To.

I loved the show :o) it was one of the funniest things I have seen for a long while.  Andy and Pete make up We Show up on Radar and the antics and banter between these two guys were hillarious.  I can't remember any of the names of the songs, but in Andy's own words they were either lies or true stories.  Stuff about being a bee and a bubble amongst other things, yes most the lyrics were a bit strange but funny.  I am now looking forward to seeing them again at the Academy on Sunday supporting The Boy Least Likely To and BC Camplight.

After this some strange bloke from Lichfield was hitting on Kate and I can confirm that if she was so inclined would have pulled for sure lol!  But we managed to escape him in the end.

Freezepop - I can safely say its the first time in my life I have left part way through a gig due to boredom.  One song was like the next which was like the next and none of it any good really.  Luckily Kate felt the same so we left the Social.

Onwards to lovely scary pub as Kate calls it Pit and Pendulum where I enticed Kate with some cocktails.  Part of the 7 deadly sins, mine was Sloth and hers was Wrath lol.  They were yummy but it was like milkshake and pop!

Now being hungry we went for the car and to find a chip shop.  Finally pulled over in Ilkeston, ordered chips and went and sat on the wall.  Next thing (what I thought was drunk) this man came and asked us if we would please move.  He sat their earlier and had lost something.  So I asked him what and he replied his smack. 

Kate and I swiftly made our way back to the car to finish the chips before dropping her off! 

A very interesting evening indeed thanks Kate - roll on Sunday 

Friday 28 April 2006

Betchadupa @ The Metro Club, London - 27 Apr 06

Long overdue road trip with my good pal Helen as it seems absolutely ages since we went anywhere on our own.  We had some serious catching up to do and managed to cover all topics, life, the universe and everything else.  I have missed this...

Trip to London seemed to take ages but in the car park known as the M1 with all its roadworks I managed to take some beautiful sunset pics and I hope Helen will post them here.  First time ever she had her camera actually in the car and not the boot.
Decided to drive to Camden and get tube to Tottenham Court Road.  Usual route had some diversions but thanks to A to Z we got there with little fuss and found parking very easy too. 

Arrived at the Metro Club for about 9pm to hear a band on already.  They were called The Cyclones another band from New Zealand.  Must say the couple of songs I caught I really liked.  I remember a catchy little number called "Middle Age".  Good start to the evening :o)

Next band on can be at best described as loud noise and with a name like Die Die Die, the writing should have been on the wall.  A 3-piece band with a frontman thats voice cut right through me as he was screaming.  The music was way too loud and my ears are still buzzing.  Frontman freaked out a little bit by jumping around and into the crowd leaped off the monitor only for it to fall over and on top of me.  I have bruises down the side of my arm and he just got back on stage and carried on playing as if nothing happened.  During their last song I was very afraid as he was throwing guitars and mic stands around the place and I just wanted to get out of the blood way.  A total spectacle but even with that performing, still did not make me like the music.  Too loud for support for Betchadupa!!!

Betchadupa then came on stage and I had to ask Liam if I was safe upfront with him as this is also the venue that he jumped on my finger last time we saw them there!  Do you see a pattern emerging???  He laughed and said it was safe and it was. 
Betchadupa were playing their first headline gig in London and the place was packed solid.  They sang a good few songs I know, including "Design" which is awesome track, "Army of Birds and Gulls", "Whose coming through the Window" and quite a few new ones and song of the night for me was a new one called "Killing Me".

It was well worth the journey seeing these guys again and I look forward to the next one and hope they might sing "Diversions" then.  I thought an apt dedication for me tonight would have been "Bad Luck" as its what I seem to have with the Metro Club.

Journey home was quite lengthy but some excellent tunes on the mp3 player including Dlugokecki's "Hope Song" that played 3 times (considering it was on random) as well as a few others of his.

A hidden message perhaps "....there is hope...."

Thanks Helen mate for another wonderful episode in this journey called life.  Have fun at your Carling Live thing, you lucky cow and I will see you on Sunday for some more happy tunes.

Tuesday 25 April 2006

The Boy Least Likely To & BC Camplight - 22nd - 24th Apr 06

The Boy Least Likely To supported by BC Camplight @ The Charlotte Leicester - 22 Apr 06
Saturday night could not have come around sooner and Helen and I have been so looking forward to catching both these bands since we saw The Boy Least Likely To in February and then continued to follow BC Camplight around the country for a few more dates.
A bit stressed getting into the car, but was soon forgot when we got our dose of "The best party ever" on the way down.   Of course getting more excited with each song. 
Found The Charlotte no problem of course (we are starting to get good at this) but the place was practically empty when we arrived.  I was kind of expecting a sell out or something. 

It was really cool to be warmly greeted by the BCC boys who remembered us (like they can forget) quick "Hide, Run Away".  It was not long before the BCC boys were on stage and in fact opened up with "Hide Run Away" and I remembered last time they were here BC was ill and seemed a tad miserable.  Well not this night - he was gargling with his red wine and was in fine form.  Loved all the songs including "Couldn't you Tell" and of course my favourite one "I wouldn't mind the Sunshine" made beam from ear to ear and I can now sing along!

Much hugs were needed afterwards as It was great and Stephanie (former Merch girl) who was deputising for David did a smashing job, especially since she only learnt keyboard 3 weeks ago.

Secured spot up front for TBLLT as its the best seats in the house.  They came on and opened their set with "Hugging my Grudge" and Helen and I both love that one.  We were dancing away to that and second song and now my current fav "I see spiders".  They sang a couple of B-sides next which we did not know, but I have since purchased them and learning them in time for Manchester.

Sad song "My Tiger My Heart" had Jof in stitches as the band started to play the Survivor classic "Eye of the Tiger" when Jof mentioned that it was a song about a tiger.  Poor thing could not keep a straight face all the way through and it was really funny!
Learnt that "Monsters" was a song about Aylesbury (nice place these boys are from) ".....sticking pissy little fingers in the pick a mix...."  Must say though I prefer that one live to CD version.  "Apple Wagon" always makes me smile and gets me dancing. 
Loved the Encore that wasn't and finishing off with new single (out today) "Be Gentle with Me" was a fitting end to superb night.  

The Boy Least Likely To supported by BC Camplight @ Josephs Wells, Leeds - 23 Apr 06
After last night decided that Helen would bring BC some red wine and I would bake some fairy cakes for Amada of TBBLT as she is known for her cake throwing and always seems to be eating - despite being really thin (lucky cow!)

Well tonight might be more remembered for the trip up and down to Leeds as I think that Helen and Richard still have white knuckles after a 40 minute journey home from Leeds to Nottingham.  Thanks Mike you know how to get out of driving in future! 
Venue was a bit tricky but with some help from Mark we found it finally and sadly missed We Show Up on Radar but I am making up for that by seeing them this Friday at the Social. 

Arrived in time for hugs with BCC boys Ramon and Bret and for BC to tell us that show is better inside the venue.  We then got to utter those nice words again "Guestlist please" courtesy of BCC which was very sweet indeed.

Show was fabulous as usual and Brian really had the audience loving him.  I think there were quite a few returning fans.  Loved all the songs as usual and so did Richard and Mike (who were BCC virgins).

TBLLT came on stage and once more gave us a fab show on the night where drummer Al was doing the lighting for BCC and BCC were doing the lighting for main act.
Amanda threw some cakes and surprisingly enough they were actually edible, now I need to make some chocolate ones for Sunday at Manchester.  I think Helen has started this cake trend at gigs or was it just Dlugokecki with his infamous "Cake Song".

A good night was had by all and really looking forward to next installment.
"...I've got nothing to worry about, so I worry about nothing.."

BC Camplight @ Sheffield Leadmill - 24 Apr 06
Tried to drum up some support for the BCC boys today as I thought this gig tonight would be a bit empty, but arrived at Leadmill to find the place pretty packed.  Sadly did not see any of the supports as needed a sit down and a drink. 

Talked to Brian and Stephanie for a while and then went in to see BCC on stage.  Superb night which almost included a version of "I believe I can fly", well we had a rift of it anyway.  Still disappointed to report that I have not heard "Oranges in Winter" on this tour and I really like that song. 

I was very glad to see so many enjoying the fabulous BC Camplight and I look forward still to Manchester on Sunday.

Ok now I have bored myself silly so will stop now I think.