Saturday 15 April 2006

50th gig for this year!!! Dlugokecki & The Warm @ Talking Heads Southampton - 14 Apr 06

This is gonna be a rather lengthy blog but I have to do it as I have already had a few drinks and might not remember much after tonight.

Arrived in Southampton 5pm checked into rather snazzy hotel and then vegged for a bit before getting ready and getting a taxi to Talking Heads in Portswood. 

Was great to finally see this place that has been so prominent in Ben's gigs.
Ben was at the door and it was great hugs all round and let Mark and I in for free (well we had come over 250 miles!!!).  Did not know what to expect with the music and can safely say it was a really diverse night's music.

First band on were Wireless with a girl drummer and two other girls in the band, I really liked their music and thought it was a great opener to a nights music.  This band were rather unique in the fact that there was an accordion in the band and at one point accordion player and drummer swapped whilst the drummer sang a song.

Well then came Avid Merrion (aka Alphalfa front man) dunno his name but he certainly got his funk out!  This was an awesome band from Bournemouth.  Most impressive bass playing I have seen in a long time, actually they were all great.  But front man had rmemorable stage presence as he had us laughing so much!  I asked the bassist what genre this music is and he said they call it "Playdough" lol and I said to me it was Alternative Swing.  Front man had huge vocal range and brilliant antics.  Although musically it was not exactly my cup of tea, the entertainment value was priceless.  "Who fancies a ginger nut??"

Next band was  Lo-chin who was quite funky too and did an excellent version of James Brown's "I feel good". 

Hmmm Ben then came on stage and has a strange way of tuning his guitar!

Then came Dlugokecki and WOW springs to mind, first time I have seen full band with Marie on Cello as well.  Ben opened up with "Too Many Borders".  First night also I got all my favourites as when Ben sang "Ocean" it reminded me of first time I saw him in Portsmouth as that was the song that got me hooked.

Again heard "Barricades" and I am loving it more and more.  We had "Stolen", "Set in Stone", "Perfectionalistical" which is going to be first single off his album out in June called "How do you do?".  A personal dedication of "Hope Song" was rather sweet and very much appreciated and in light of current events is becoming even more personal.  Set was finished off with "You can call me Al" a Paul Simon cover and that got everybody singing along.

Encore time and this was a mindblowing performance of "Insecure".  Even better than at 10 Bands in January.  Everytime I see Ben its just better and better and life does not get any better, does it?

Next few bands were "Afrosnatchers" who came out in dark glasses and funny hats and musically well reminded me a bit of Red Hot Chilli Peppers in some songs and other songs were just.....well weird.

They were followed by The Sways and if you can imagine this night getting any weirder....well it did!!  Mark referred to it as "Ho down" music and the only thing missing from the stage was a Fiddle, some spoons and a washboard.  Very very different!
Its most of 1am and now the place has almost emptied but one of highlights (well for me anyway) The Warm.  

This was my 4th time of seeing them and of course I bloody loved it!  Not gonna bore you with the songlist as I got a set list, but was very happy they sang some of the ones I knew.  Personally loved "Swim", "See the Sun", "So much Like you", oh gosh I like them all but really glad they played my favourite song "All that You Are".  I love this band sooo much.  I could not believe that more people did not hang around, then judging by the other music on the night - they probably did not have any taste ;-P

Quite a few strange things happened tonight including Ben showing me something he should not have lol but we not gonna go there, was great seeing them all again including Polly. 
Don't ask about this one!
Ok off to Lennon's as its time for STORY ONE!!!!! 

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