Friday 14 April 2006

Sweetbriar, Seachange & St. Joan @ First Love Studio, Sneinton - 13 Apr 06

I have been waiting patiently for Kate to blog this evening's events but looks like she has passed out yet again and now its up to me as the only thing in my bloodtream tonight is awful chemials courtesy of Nottingham City Hospital.

We met in town had one drink and thought we should make our way to Sneinton by Taxi.  Well we only had a bit of an address, no actual building name or number and a taxi driver that did not know where Liverpool Street was.  So he dropped us off at the Leisure Centre for us to find our own way to this Studio.
Well we found the corner that Will of Sweetbriar had told us and there was a studio and we ended up going into the wrong one with some band rehearsing.  Walked round and round the block a few times and decided to call Will.  George then met us and showed us the way in.

Shotly after going in St Joan were on stage and I had seen these playing a few weeks ago at Anton's party so was loking forward to hearing them again.  The nice mellow sound was just right to get us in the mood for the rest of the night.  Loved the last song, apologies for not knowing what its called, just know that the words had to be brought all the way from The Social.

Kate and I went into a lovely Sneinton pub (name excapes me now) and this was indeed a place where all the beautiful people go.  Talk about fish out of water!!! Anyway we finished our drink and went back to the studio but the door was locked and we had to call for someone to let us in again.

Seachange were on stage at this point and we only cought about 3 of their songs.  I was not familiar with this band's music and must say they rocked.  Loved the sound totally  - must investigate more.

Having only listened to a few snippets of Sweetbriar, I was looking forward to hearing them live and I was not disappointed with their set at all. Both Will and George have fab voices  and I thought they had a remarkable range of songs.  Pity did not hear this band before.

It was a bit of special evening as Sweetbriar was moving to London, St Joan were conquering US and Seachange the rest of the world (allegedly like the game Risk).
Talked briefly to Will after and also to Ben of The Henry Road and we got some lovely Sweetbriar EP, with some really interesting artwork.  Thanks lads and all the best!
Wandering the streets of Sneinton now in search of a taxi to get the hell home...the things we do for music!

To be honest I was dreading tonight a little as I had no idea what Kate was going to introduce me tonight.  But without a shadow of a doubt tonight has been the coolest gig I have ever been to. Thanks Kate!!

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