Saturday 29 April 2006

We Show Up on Radar supporting Freezepop @ Social - 28 Apr 06

 Well what can I say about tonight.....met Kate in the Social and we had a couple of drinks before We Show Up on Radar came on stage.

Well I must confess to only  listening to snippets before and knowing Kate's peculiar taste in music, I was kind of dreading what she might have talked me into.
I had missed these guys twice before, once at Anton's party and the 2nd time in Leeds last Sunday when they were supporting The Boy Least Likely To.

I loved the show :o) it was one of the funniest things I have seen for a long while.  Andy and Pete make up We Show up on Radar and the antics and banter between these two guys were hillarious.  I can't remember any of the names of the songs, but in Andy's own words they were either lies or true stories.  Stuff about being a bee and a bubble amongst other things, yes most the lyrics were a bit strange but funny.  I am now looking forward to seeing them again at the Academy on Sunday supporting The Boy Least Likely To and BC Camplight.

After this some strange bloke from Lichfield was hitting on Kate and I can confirm that if she was so inclined would have pulled for sure lol!  But we managed to escape him in the end.

Freezepop - I can safely say its the first time in my life I have left part way through a gig due to boredom.  One song was like the next which was like the next and none of it any good really.  Luckily Kate felt the same so we left the Social.

Onwards to lovely scary pub as Kate calls it Pit and Pendulum where I enticed Kate with some cocktails.  Part of the 7 deadly sins, mine was Sloth and hers was Wrath lol.  They were yummy but it was like milkshake and pop!

Now being hungry we went for the car and to find a chip shop.  Finally pulled over in Ilkeston, ordered chips and went and sat on the wall.  Next thing (what I thought was drunk) this man came and asked us if we would please move.  He sat their earlier and had lost something.  So I asked him what and he replied his smack. 

Kate and I swiftly made our way back to the car to finish the chips before dropping her off! 

A very interesting evening indeed thanks Kate - roll on Sunday 

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