Tuesday 4 April 2006

3 Doors Down - Manchester Academy - 3 Apr 06

No I still have not met Brad Arnold and only have tonight left to do so, not unless he is coming to visit me personally.  Anybody know him??

Instead I enjoyed another breathtaking performance from 3 Doors Down right down to the very last song. 

Waltham guys were gobsmacked to see us as they probably did not believe we were coming again - fools lol!  Loving this band the more I hear them.

And Jon Nicholson, well he was just being himself...just like Jack Nicholson - only different (those are his own words).

At least distances to see these bands are getting less and less and I think we are down to 65 miles today??

Anyway best go home now, I am such a dirty stop out! 

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