Monday 24 April 2006

My Week in Scotland

I am trying my hardest to catch up with these blogs and now I am at least 3 gigs behind, but here goes about Scotland week!

Went to the Cinema one day to see "Alien Autopsy" or as Marcus kept saying "Alien Octopussy", it was funny at the time.  The movie itself had some hillarious bits and despite my initial thoughts I actually thoroughly enjoyed it!  It was good to see Ant and Dec not being Ant and Dec, if that makes any sense.

Played some Ten Pin Bowling and bowled 117 which is bloody good for me as I have no hand and eye coordination whatsoever!  When I throw the ball, everbody gets out of the way as sometimes it goes backwards.  But I am not dangerous - honest!

Rest of the week got a bit more exciting with a trip to the Falkirk Wheel.  Did not know what it was to be honest and thought it would be some kind of Ferris Wheel or London Eye type thing.  But it was not of course.  It was a wheel that transports boats from one canal to another (thanks for that Andy).

Below just shows how it moves and it was a lovely day too which always helps.

Almost got talked into going to Bingo on last night but managed to avoid that nicely.  Don't think step mum was too impressed but if I wanna sleep might as well do it at home :o)  Must visit my dad more often and looking forward to the nice Biltong he made for me to dry nicely so I can stuff my face 

Trip home was eventful and hurried as I had a date with mate Helen and The Boy Least Likely To and BC Camplight!

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