Tuesday 25 April 2006

The Boy Least Likely To & BC Camplight - 22nd - 24th Apr 06

The Boy Least Likely To supported by BC Camplight @ The Charlotte Leicester - 22 Apr 06
Saturday night could not have come around sooner and Helen and I have been so looking forward to catching both these bands since we saw The Boy Least Likely To in February and then continued to follow BC Camplight around the country for a few more dates.
A bit stressed getting into the car, but was soon forgot when we got our dose of "The best party ever" on the way down.   Of course getting more excited with each song. 
Found The Charlotte no problem of course (we are starting to get good at this) but the place was practically empty when we arrived.  I was kind of expecting a sell out or something. 

It was really cool to be warmly greeted by the BCC boys who remembered us (like they can forget) quick "Hide, Run Away".  It was not long before the BCC boys were on stage and in fact opened up with "Hide Run Away" and I remembered last time they were here BC was ill and seemed a tad miserable.  Well not this night - he was gargling with his red wine and was in fine form.  Loved all the songs including "Couldn't you Tell" and of course my favourite one "I wouldn't mind the Sunshine" made beam from ear to ear and I can now sing along!

Much hugs were needed afterwards as It was great and Stephanie (former Merch girl) who was deputising for David did a smashing job, especially since she only learnt keyboard 3 weeks ago.

Secured spot up front for TBLLT as its the best seats in the house.  They came on and opened their set with "Hugging my Grudge" and Helen and I both love that one.  We were dancing away to that and second song and now my current fav "I see spiders".  They sang a couple of B-sides next which we did not know, but I have since purchased them and learning them in time for Manchester.

Sad song "My Tiger My Heart" had Jof in stitches as the band started to play the Survivor classic "Eye of the Tiger" when Jof mentioned that it was a song about a tiger.  Poor thing could not keep a straight face all the way through and it was really funny!
Learnt that "Monsters" was a song about Aylesbury (nice place these boys are from) ".....sticking pissy little fingers in the pick a mix...."  Must say though I prefer that one live to CD version.  "Apple Wagon" always makes me smile and gets me dancing. 
Loved the Encore that wasn't and finishing off with new single (out today) "Be Gentle with Me" was a fitting end to superb night.  

The Boy Least Likely To supported by BC Camplight @ Josephs Wells, Leeds - 23 Apr 06
After last night decided that Helen would bring BC some red wine and I would bake some fairy cakes for Amada of TBBLT as she is known for her cake throwing and always seems to be eating - despite being really thin (lucky cow!)

Well tonight might be more remembered for the trip up and down to Leeds as I think that Helen and Richard still have white knuckles after a 40 minute journey home from Leeds to Nottingham.  Thanks Mike you know how to get out of driving in future! 
Venue was a bit tricky but with some help from Mark we found it finally and sadly missed We Show Up on Radar but I am making up for that by seeing them this Friday at the Social. 

Arrived in time for hugs with BCC boys Ramon and Bret and for BC to tell us that show is better inside the venue.  We then got to utter those nice words again "Guestlist please" courtesy of BCC which was very sweet indeed.

Show was fabulous as usual and Brian really had the audience loving him.  I think there were quite a few returning fans.  Loved all the songs as usual and so did Richard and Mike (who were BCC virgins).

TBLLT came on stage and once more gave us a fab show on the night where drummer Al was doing the lighting for BCC and BCC were doing the lighting for main act.
Amanda threw some cakes and surprisingly enough they were actually edible, now I need to make some chocolate ones for Sunday at Manchester.  I think Helen has started this cake trend at gigs or was it just Dlugokecki with his infamous "Cake Song".

A good night was had by all and really looking forward to next installment.
"...I've got nothing to worry about, so I worry about nothing.."

BC Camplight @ Sheffield Leadmill - 24 Apr 06
Tried to drum up some support for the BCC boys today as I thought this gig tonight would be a bit empty, but arrived at Leadmill to find the place pretty packed.  Sadly did not see any of the supports as needed a sit down and a drink. 

Talked to Brian and Stephanie for a while and then went in to see BCC on stage.  Superb night which almost included a version of "I believe I can fly", well we had a rift of it anyway.  Still disappointed to report that I have not heard "Oranges in Winter" on this tour and I really like that song. 

I was very glad to see so many enjoying the fabulous BC Camplight and I look forward still to Manchester on Sunday.

Ok now I have bored myself silly so will stop now I think.

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