Monday 3 April 2006

Dlugokecki / Sandi Thom @ Camden Barfly & The Warm @ Rock Garden, London - 2 Apr 06

Thanks for all the kind messages from all my friends, its times like this I know exactly who you are :o)

I discovered last minute that Sandi Thom was also on the same bill as Ben Dlugokecki today at the Barfly and realised that there was no possible way I could miss this, regardless of how I felt.

Mark collected me at about 11am and we made our way downt he motorway (well he drove and I slept), woke up at J1 :o).  Mark had map in hand and we found the Barfly no problem.  Finding parking was a different matter but we got there in the end.
Arrived at Barfly for a couple of songs by a band called The Treat - I liked the first few but then the rest of them sort of lost me.  Interesting I suppose is a word I could use, but front man kept saying how they are an electric band and acoustic stuff was alien to them.  So perhaps worth looking out for in the future.

Next thing I recognised Marcus who is in Sandi's band and then waited for her to arrive.  Sandi saw me and was very surprised we raced across the room and shared a nice big hug (see I don't just hug fellas).  It was first time I had seen Sandi since my gig in January and I was really excited at this point.

Sandi shared with me her great news about being signed by Sony BMG and I am so delighted for the girl.  I knew Sandi was well loved in Ireland and I also knew it was only a matter of time.  That is now 1 out of 10 bands and I am sure there will be more to come :o).

Sandi then went on stage and mesmerized the crowd completely.  She gave a stunning performance of "Little Remedy" (I like that one) and I particularly loved the ballad "Castles".  Sandi's voice is unique, powerful and oh so sweet and she does not even need music.  "I wish I was a Punk Rocker" is one of my all time favourite songs and seeing it live once more made the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end.  That was the last song but the crowd begged for another and Sandi obliged - what a special moment :o)
Before Sandi went on Ben Dlugokecki and Andy Wild arrived and it was good to see the mad one again.  It was now his turn on stage and with Ben you never quite know what he is going to say.  But I think he was on his best behaviour today as his parents were in the crowd.  So there were no impromptu songs about his parents "having rudes".  Sadly also no cake song!

Ben's set was inspired and he deliverd a first-class performance of every single song.  The ones I can remember include "Stolen" which is about his girlfriend Vicky - ahh sweet, "Perfectionalistical" which is probably also about Vicky lol and a debut hearing of a most beautiful ballad called "Barricade" (I think that is now my fav or is it "Ocean" or "Insecure"?).  Ben finished off with another favourite of mine "Hope Song" which today I kind of felt it had a personal message.  Ben has the voice of an Angel, magnificent songwriting talent and why the hell he is not world famous yet baffles the life out of me?!  Banter between him and Andy is always great too.

Unfortunately I had a little episode after Ben's set and after spending much time hugging the porcelain needed to go outside for some fresh air.  Helen made her way out with me and was supplier of many hugs.  Sandi then came and said goodbye and we all  hugged some more (yes there is a theme going on here).  Thanks for your kind text message Sandi, it made my day :o)

Nia was the main act on today and she was really good, just sorry I did not see most of it!
Feeling very yukky and very hungry we of course had to have some Nando's, well it is practically next door and it just made perfect sense!  Quickly finished that and got tube to Covent Garden.

The Warm (another Southampton outfit) were playing in a Battle of the Bands competition and I was delighted that I was in London already as I so loved these boys when I first saw them at Rock Garden.  Nick's voice is like a breath of fresh air powerful and yet so clear.  They gave a well polished performance of 5 songs (none of the ones I know lol) but I still loved it none the less.  Best song for me was the final one called "Swim". 

We sat talking to Nick, Boyd and friends afterwards and managed to get my hands on some CD's so I can learn songs for Southampton.  Watched the next band called Waylaid (I think), it was ok but after The Warm a bit of an anti-climax.  I have since heard that The Warm are through to the next round, so no doubt we will be there :o)  CONGRATULATIONS!!!

A day of ups and downs but I am the luckiest girl for having been a part of such an incredible day of live music.

Was good seeing pal Helen again and meeting her sister Jill.  Also thanks to my mate andChauffeur Mark.

Pics to follow no doubt :D

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