Tuesday 25 April 2006

Long hair or short hair??

I had my 7th out of 12 Chemo sessions yesterday, it is almost becoming routine now.  Today has been particularly bad, actually can safely say its been one of the worst in these last few weeks. 

Its been bad enough feeling like death warmed up but first clumps of hair came out today and I am mortified as I can now see bald patches.  I thought with it taking so long that I would not lose my hair, but it seems inevitable now.

So what does a girl do?  Keep the long hair and hope for a comb over or cut it short in the hope that the lack of weight might lessen the chances of it falling out?

I know in the grand scheme of things I am being awfully vain, but a bit of reality kind of hit home tonight. 

I am just so pissed off that I did not go out to see 45 Rebellion with Helen and Helen tonight, it might have taken my mind off me feeling sorry for myself. 

Strange thing is though these days the only time I don't feel ill is when there is live music playing......any musicians wanna move in? 

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