Saturday 1 April 2006

3 Doors Down / Waltham / Jon Nicholson @ Shepherds Bush Empire - 31 Mar 06

We try again....

Well yesterday finally arrived after what seemed like months and months of having tickets booked.  I have been sooo looking forward to seeing 3 Doors Down again after one of my best gigs last year.  Remember being gutted at the time that they were only doing 1 UK show.  But we will certainly remedy that this time around.  Manchester on Monday and Wolverhampton on Tuesday.  I was all up for Glasgow this evening but I was told it was a bit OTT (me OTT??).

Headed off for London about 3.30pm and I managed to persuade Mark to drive to the venue, especially since Helen and I have become expert navigators around the big old smoke (yeah and if you believe that you believe anything!!).  Well we found the venue no problem after a little detour past the infamous Tesco in Watford.  Just being there made me smile and think of one of Helen and I's previous road trips. The donuts were worth it, still got half a box left....donut anyone?  Krispy Kreme rules!!
Queues were around the block at the Empire but finally got in and managed to secure a spot about 3 rows from the front to the side.  I had a pretty good view.

First support act came on and first thing I thought was, wow what an impressive voice. Jon Nicholson ended up having us in stitches, some of the lyrics of his songs were just so funny.  I especially remember a song called Grandma. A really nice happy bloke whose set had my attention from beginning to end.  Listened to his CD on way home and its very bluesy and loved the sax on that.

Next up came rockers Waltham from New England and to be honest they looked absolutely petrified.  They were soon on there way and the crowd loved them.  They then confessed how they had been told London crowds are the most difficult to win over, which probably explained the anxiety. 

Well there was Frankie on vocals who had a distinct Elvis thing going with the sideburns, Craig on guitar (who was the spitting image of Willem Dafoe), 2 gorgeous Latin looking blokes on bass and guitars (Tony and Peet) and last but not least Mikey on drums - well this man was positively freaking out during the set and all you could see was hair...passion playing for sure!  (I am so jealous of that hair)

Mark described this band as a mix between Red Star Rebels and Huey Lewis and the News lol - not sure I agree entirely with that but it was funny.  I liked every song and the performance got stronger as the night went on.  Personal fav song was one called "Joanna" - I am listening to their CD now and still loving it!

The wait was complete and the boys dawned the stage and opened up their set to a frantically loud and applausing audience with "Right where I belong" followed by "The Better Life" the title of 2nd CD.  This was followed by old fav and No 1 single "Kryptonite" and that had everyone in the house singing at the top of their voices.

Sang their own favourite "Away from the Sun" a couple of songs later and this song is really quite sad and about being locked away from people and things in general, oh its such a good power ballad!

Crowd were shouting out even louder when a few songs later they did awesome performance of "Landing in London" - I was concerned how it would sound as on the CD Bob Segar does guest vocals, but it so blew me away.  A few more songs played but set was finished with my favourite song "Loser".  I just love the lyrics sort of almost pathetic - "...and you're getting closer to pushing me off of life's little edge, coz I am a loser..."

They said their goodbyes and after standing ovation and crowd constantly chanting "3 Doors Down", they came back on for an encore which included 2 No 1 Singles.  First up was beautiful power ballad "Here without You" and my other fav to finish the night superbly "When I'm Gone" (see previous blog).

Oh yes I also got a setlist 

Night was finished off lovely with chatting to Waltham guys afterwards and having our pics taken with them. 

The only thing that could have made this night better was to meet Brad Arnold himself, well I got two more chances to achieve that...are we taking bets on whether I do or not?


Thanks Mark for a TOP night and roll on Monday 

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