Sunday 23 April 2006

Story One @ Lennons, Southampton - 15 April 06

Ok I am in blog supermode here and still have so much to say, but I do like to talk.....alot apparently!

We did not rise very early after late night in Talking  Heads, then left the hotel and headed off in search of some lunch.  Found a nice little pub and enjoyed football updates whilst eating.  My neck was sore as I kept having to look over my shoulder to see the Leeds score.  Excitement was high as we were leading against see last thing I wanted was a night of sitting in wrong end at Bramhall Lane and us having nothing to play for.  Well that is exactly what happened when Reading equalised - sore neck for nothing!!!

Saw this sandwich board on the way and of course had to send it to Helen as we all know what a spell check pain she can be!

We left there after stuffing our faces to see if we can find Lennons.  As it happens it was only a couple of blocks from Hotel. Doors did not open till 9pm so we went to this lovely little blue pub on the corner.  Was greeted by a very camp barman but still no alarm bells rang.  Was not until I saw two women hanging off each other and picking up a copy of Southwestscene that the penny finally dropped!!  The bathroom experience is a different story alltogether and when there are condoms and lube left in a basket outside the toilet.....hmmm...well...ok.

Time for Story One, arrived at Lennons to utter words "Guestlist please" lol.  Nice little venue with the right idea.  3 live bands and a clubnight for 2 if you arrive before 9.30pm. 

First band on was a local band called The Reason.  Their following was quite big and their fans were very vocal.  One to check out upon my return.  Yes I am coming back to Southampton :o)

Next up were The Cuban Heels, who were described as harmonies of Beach Boys...hmmm well I did not think so.  It was good old fashioned rock and I bloody loved it!  This band was from Brighton or Bristol I cant remember but it was my kinda music.

Story One had since arrived and was really nice to see the boys again, well it had been two weeks!  Was very difficult to have a conversation in there but we tried none the less.  On stage there seemed to be some difficulties with the PA and we were kept waiting for about 20 minutes and all Tom could say is "The PA is fucked". 

Some of The Reason fans were getty quite mouthy and kept heckling whilst they were sorting things out.  One guy behind me kept shouting The Reason, The Reason.  Till I turned around and said "Don't" he then said how  he had been looking forward to this band and btw what were they called lol, so I told him.  He then spent the rest of the time shouting "Story One".  It was funny.

The gig nearly did not happen, I would have been mortified.  After 4th time of trying "Coming Up" were were off and it was superb.  Southampton loved Story One, I was stood next to some girls up front and they were mesmerized completely by the presence and great tunes coming from the stage.

They played all the songs superbly as always and in the end the sound was pretty fantastic or is that just Story One.

Chatting by the van afterwards and for some reason my best Story One pics always gets taken by the Van and no its not the kind of pics you might be thinking of...well then again it depends what floats your boat!

Oh yes we sold some t-shirts too!  Make sure you get yours at the next gig :o)

Ok next Story One gig is at Water Rats on Tuesday "Sob" I am not going to be there but I am for sure going to Leadmill on 1st May so come along everybody for a super night of fab fab music!!

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