Sunday 23 April 2006

Captain Dangerous & After Christmas @ Buffalo Bar, Islington - 16 Apr 06

Ok next installment of my weekend away. 

Went to Southampton Docks via St Mary's in the morning and then made our way to London. 

Mark was very brave driving straight to the hotel.  Well almost straight as we missed one turn and did major detour of the city before finding our way back.  Helen was on her way at this point and we were supposed to be at Covent Garden long time before her. 
Ben had cancelled his gig so we thought we would see what was on anyway.  Most of Platform was finished by the time we got to Covent Garden so we went for some late lunch and some window shopping around town till we went past Stringfellows and incase you did not read Helen's blog.  This pic is priceless ...

We then went off to the Gardening Club for Battle of the Bands.  Helen left shortly after first band and Mark and I made our exit after 2nd. 
We thought we would go and catch Captain Dangerous at Buffalo Bar in Islington.  Bear in mind I have no idea where the venue or any details of nearest tube etc.  I knew they were on at 9.15 and we were cutting things finely.  Finally got off at Kings Cross (because Helen said it was 10 mins walk - YEAH RIGHT!!) flagged down a taxi and got to Buffalo Bar only to see Captain Dangerous busy taking their equipment down.  I was gutted to have missed them as I was looking forward to seeing them.  Got great pic of Miles though :o)

Next up was a band all the way from Glasgow called After Christmas who came down on the night bus.  I must say I loved the music right from the start, the entertainment value was excellent.  Frontman Cammie was using an ironing board to hold his keyboard and as I found out later they had to buy one as they could not bring his one on the bus!  Very funny indeed and CD I got includes a song about this bus trip :o)

Not impressed with the next two bands and names are not important at this point in time.  Spoke to Cammy for a bit afterwards and I think I frightened him a little bit as I told him I was upset that I missed Captain Dangerous because they were supposed to be on before my band.  He thought I was serious and looked very worried lol.  I then told him I really enjoyed it and I forgive him!

Made our way back to hotel and can safely say I have had amazing weekend of live music and wanna thank all the great bands I have seen in Southampton and London and of course chauffeur and friend Mark.  Check the great view from the Hotel!

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