Thursday 6 April 2006

Happy Tuesday & 3 Doors Down / Waltham / Jon Nicholson @ Wulfrun Hall - 4 Apr 06

Ok I am back down to earth now so will tell you all about Tuesday :o)

Tuesday started off brightly as I got the final "YES" from Snow Patrol and some definite dates for my next Charity Gig.  So watch this space for months of pestering bands has finally paid off.

So a happy bunny made my way to Wolverhampton, which I can almost do with my eyes closed.  The last time being for the Red Star Rebels victory in February.
We secured ourselves a nice little spot left front and were enjoying Jon Nicholson as he was being his usual funny self.  He then told us about a song they wrote on tour and he was asked to sing it by his friend and that he hoped his friend was listening as he missed it last night. A very funny song "A Boy Named Sue" had us all in stitches and then through the side door came Brad Arnold (3 Doors Down frontman) to have a listen.

Well if you read any of my previous blogs you will know how much I wanted to meet him.  I went over to him and I had to hug him of course, what else??  He told me what a great song Jon was singing and then posed for a pic with me.

Shock Horror the pic did not come out so when the song finished I had to ask again.  He was more than obliging and I told him how it had been the 3rd time I have been this week and how much of a fan I am.  He then shook Mark's hands and I got another hug.

Now at this point I was smiling from ear to ear and could not wait for Jon Nicholson to finish so I could phone Helen (well I did text her during). 

Waltham came on next and all the songs at this point is so familiar and found myself singing along to them as they have practically not left my CD player.  They got a bit of heckling from one or two in the crowd but they handled it superbly.  Frankie is such a charmer and was so very humbled by the reception they got in the UK.  Particularly enjoyed "So lonely" and the final song, which for the life of me I can't remember now.
3 Doors Downcame on stage and the sound was the best it had been over the 3 dates.  They were just awesome and performed same set as two previous nights so I knew what was coming and that was fun.  Brad smiling at me a couple of times during "The Better Life"  was super cool.  Got loads of nice piccies too.  They positively rocked the joint and new song "I wont go" is a real winner.  But must admit that it was quite emotional as they did their encore and final song "When I'm gone" left me feeling a bit sad that it was all over.

Said goodbye to Waltham guys afterwards and we were all feeling sad.  They were sad that they were going home and I was sad that this little adventure was over.  Mikey said that they had been offered some festival spots this summer so they will be back over again. Frankie and Craig said again how much they loved it and thanked us for support.  Got more than two words out of Tony this time but Peet buggered off before I could say goodbye.  Oh yes I had to share my picture of Brad and I with them lol!

Can you tell how much I enjoyed it? 

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