Friday 28 April 2006

Betchadupa @ The Metro Club, London - 27 Apr 06

Long overdue road trip with my good pal Helen as it seems absolutely ages since we went anywhere on our own.  We had some serious catching up to do and managed to cover all topics, life, the universe and everything else.  I have missed this...

Trip to London seemed to take ages but in the car park known as the M1 with all its roadworks I managed to take some beautiful sunset pics and I hope Helen will post them here.  First time ever she had her camera actually in the car and not the boot.
Decided to drive to Camden and get tube to Tottenham Court Road.  Usual route had some diversions but thanks to A to Z we got there with little fuss and found parking very easy too. 

Arrived at the Metro Club for about 9pm to hear a band on already.  They were called The Cyclones another band from New Zealand.  Must say the couple of songs I caught I really liked.  I remember a catchy little number called "Middle Age".  Good start to the evening :o)

Next band on can be at best described as loud noise and with a name like Die Die Die, the writing should have been on the wall.  A 3-piece band with a frontman thats voice cut right through me as he was screaming.  The music was way too loud and my ears are still buzzing.  Frontman freaked out a little bit by jumping around and into the crowd leaped off the monitor only for it to fall over and on top of me.  I have bruises down the side of my arm and he just got back on stage and carried on playing as if nothing happened.  During their last song I was very afraid as he was throwing guitars and mic stands around the place and I just wanted to get out of the blood way.  A total spectacle but even with that performing, still did not make me like the music.  Too loud for support for Betchadupa!!!

Betchadupa then came on stage and I had to ask Liam if I was safe upfront with him as this is also the venue that he jumped on my finger last time we saw them there!  Do you see a pattern emerging???  He laughed and said it was safe and it was. 
Betchadupa were playing their first headline gig in London and the place was packed solid.  They sang a good few songs I know, including "Design" which is awesome track, "Army of Birds and Gulls", "Whose coming through the Window" and quite a few new ones and song of the night for me was a new one called "Killing Me".

It was well worth the journey seeing these guys again and I look forward to the next one and hope they might sing "Diversions" then.  I thought an apt dedication for me tonight would have been "Bad Luck" as its what I seem to have with the Metro Club.

Journey home was quite lengthy but some excellent tunes on the mp3 player including Dlugokecki's "Hope Song" that played 3 times (considering it was on random) as well as a few others of his.

A hidden message perhaps "....there is hope...."

Thanks Helen mate for another wonderful episode in this journey called life.  Have fun at your Carling Live thing, you lucky cow and I will see you on Sunday for some more happy tunes.

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